29 februára 2008


Je to úžasný pocit, že niekedy sa problémy vyriešia samé. Problém s našou existenciou vyriešil tento mladík, ktorý recenzoval film Hostel:

"Next they end up in some place called Bratislava which I assume is not real (the movie was shot in Czechoslovakia, standing in for most of Europe), where thanks to an uneven currency conversion their $1.83 gets them a fine hotel and a night at the disco swigging Absinth. There, Jamie and Jenny lock lips in an Absinth-fueled flirtation with incest, but by this time the shattering of the Last Taboo is just another dully outrageous "thing" that's happened to them, no sweat. Their next stop is Berlin, where Scott finally finds Mieke's apartment."

Kto neverí, nech tam beží:

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